At Athens Community Church, we feel that it’s OUR responsibility to “clear the way” for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience the great music, encouraging messages, friendly people and enjoyable atmosphere that are a part of ACC.  And we know that your first time at a church, any church, brings up some questions. How do I get there… what should I wear… what’s available for my kids… what should I expect in church? Here is a quick look at what you can expect.

1.   Here at Athens Community Church, we’ll make sure the first face you see when you approach the church has a smile on it. Whether you need childcare or are looking for a place for your teens, a greeter will be nearby to help you get where you need to go.

  2.  You'll enjoy upbeat music and practical messages that help you deal with real life issues.  What you learn on Sunday, you’ll be able to use during the week.  We want to help you connect with the personal hope and practical help that God can give us.

  3.   We’re more concerned with meeting your real life needs than with what you wear. So, dress casually and you’ll fit right in.  If you prefer to dress up, that is fine too. 

  4.   We know that as a parent you need be sure that your children are in a SAFE learning environment. And we know that your children are looking for a FUN place to learn. We strive to make sure that both of these goals are reached. We have loving adults who work with our children and teenage ministries.  We have a Safe Place policy in effect that ensures your children are cared for by competent, screened, trained adults.

  5.   Many people are concerned about giving to the offering.  Instead of wanting you to give something, we want you to get something!  We do not take a formal "offering" in the service.  There is a box in the foyer where people can give to the Lord as their act of worship, & support the work of Athens Community Church.  We want our guests to feel "no obligation" to give anything financially.

If it’s been a long time since you’ve been to church, Athens Community Church has you in mind! There’s already enough you have to think about when you’re visiting a church for the first time. We hope that getting some of this “stuff” out of the way not only encourages you to join us for church, but also helps you to connect with the hope and encouragement that God has for you.

Service Times

ACC's  Sunday morning schedule is:

9:30- Fellowship Time
10:00- Service

Our services are marked with contemporary worship, times of testimony, prayer, the preaching and teaching of God's Written Word, and practical application of the biblical truths in our modern lives.


We Hope To See You Soon!